Using voucher codes
Voucher codes are a great promotional tool or way to give your returning customers special benefits. Customers can click the "apply a voucher code" link at the checkout to enter your code and receive a special price or other benefit as part of their purchase.
There are three ways you can use voucher codes:
1. to offer free shipping, either worldwide or within New Zealand
2. to apply a percentage discount to the purchase
3. any benefit of your choice which doesn't affect the purchase or shipping price (for example, a free gift with purchase or complimentary gift wrapping)
To add a voucher code to your shop, click "my account" at the top of the page, and select "voucher codes" under "shop admin".
1. Enter a code of your choice. Codes can be up to 16 characters long. They can contain letters, numerals, + and - symbols. No other punctuation can be used.
2. Select the type of voucher you would like to offer:
• Free shipping – removes the shipping to anywhere in the world
• Free shipping within NZ only – removes the shipping to anywhere in New Zealand
• Percentage discount on entire purchase – you specify a percentage discount which is applied to the total purchase price (not including shipping)
• Choose your own voucher description – you enter your own wording for a voucher for anything that doesn't affect the purchase or shipping price (for example, a free gift with purchase or complimentary gift wrapping)
3. Choose the usage limit. This will specify how many times an individual customer can use the voucher code. It can be set to once per customer or unlimited.
4. Choose the purchase limit. This allows you to limit the number of items a customer can purchase in one order using the voucher code. If they have too many items from you in their basket, the voucher code will not be applied. Leaving this field blank will allow the code to be applied to a purchase of any number of items.
5. Click "add this voucher code" to save the code to the list. Once you have entered one or more voucher codes to your shop, the tick boxes on the left show which of your voucher codes are currently activated, and on the right you can see how many times each voucher code has been redeemed.
To deactivate a voucher code, untick the box to the left of the code in the list. To edit or delete a voucher code, click the code in the list you wish to update or delete. If you have any more questions about using vouchers in your shop please contact us.