I haven't received payment – what do I do?

If you've sold something but have not received payment, we recommend that you send the buyer a couple of reminder messages (check whether they are having trouble making payment) and give the buyer whatever time you feel is reasonable to get in contact.

Sales do fall through occasionally though, so if you've done this and still had no contact or payment from your buyer, we're happy to consider refunding your listing fee and commission – just contact us and send us your shop name and the transaction number for the listing(s) involved.


Payment via Paypal

If your buyer has elected to pay by Paypal but the payment has not come through, it's possible that the buyer has elected to pay by PayPal but has not actually made the payment yet. Remember, as all transactions take place outside of Felt it is not possible for us to monitor them in any way – we can only tell you what payment method the buyer has selected, not whether they have actually made the payment.

If you have reason to think that they have attempted to make payment, contact the buyer via our messaging system. If the buyer hasn't received notification from Paypal and you haven't received your payment, there are a couple of things you should check with them.

If they didn't sign in to PayPal to make the payment, suggest they check their credit card statement for the transaction. If they made payment the day of purchase and the money has not yet been charged to their credit card, it's likely that the transaction has failed, and they'll need to try again. If it has come off their credit card, they will need to contact Paypal – www.paypal.com – to follow up this transaction.

If they would like to try again, they can use the link to PayPal in their purchase confirmation email from Felt. If they no longer have a copy of the email, the link is available on their Purchases page. If they would like to try to pay by bank deposit instead, you'll be able to arrange this between you via the messaging system.

If you have any questions please contact us.


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How do I contact a buyer?

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