Can I customise my shop?


Add a shop banner

To add a banner image to your shop, go to My Account » Upload An Avatar Here (under Profile). This appears above your shop name on the left hand side. Your banner is 160px x 75px, so for best results please crop the image you intend to use to these proportions.


Write a shop header

This is a short introductory paragraph about your shop, which appears above your listings. To add a shop header to your Shop page, log in and go to My Account » Shop Header (under Shop Admin).


Include a shop quote and news

You'll see you can also add a quote and your shop news at My Account » Shop Header. These appear in the right hand column of your Shop page. Find an inspirational quote that sums up your maker ethos, and remember to update your shop news regularly!


Add your profile

If you'd like to talk in a bit more detail about yourself and what you make, you can do this on your Profile page. Shoppers can navigate to this from the link on the left hand side of your Shop page or listings. To add a profile to your shop, just log in and go to My Account » Edit Your Public Profile (under profile).


If you have any questions please contact us.