Adult themes and explicit language

Items with adult themes and/or containing explicit language may be sold on Felt, as long as they are legal to sell under New Zealand law.

As Felt is a family-friendly site, we ask that you make sure that your first image (the one that will show as a thumbnail in your shop and on search pages) is not explicit and contains a warning like "Contains adult language" or "Contains adult themes/material." You can use image editing software to add a warning and obscure explicit portions of the image. Other images in the listing can show your creation in its entirety.

Please also add a similar warning to your listing title.

Listings that Felt considers to be racist, sexist or otherwise demeaning or inciting hate towards any people or groups will be removed at Felt's discretion.

If you have any questions about listing items with adult themes, or are unsure whether your items fall into this category, please contact us.