Feedback for stitchbird
stitchbird's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for stitchbird
Comment after hollyroach sold #364914 to stitchbird
Great customer. Highly recommend. So glad you liked your print. Cheers, HollyComment after hollyroach sold #364913 to stitchbird
Lovely customer. Great communication. Thanks again for supporting my creative life. xComment after eejaydesign sold #348391 to stitchbird
Many thanks for your purchase and prompt payment, I hope you love the beanie!! :)Comment after mickeym bought #127163 from stitchbird
Thanks so much! Arrived today and is awesome!!Comment after paperchains sold #128426 to stitchbird
pleasure to deal with, thank youComment after gretski bought #92058 from stitchbird
fab again thanks.I'll be back for more!