Feedback for remixplastic
remixplastic's star rating is 4.6 / 5 stars (92.3%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for remixplastic
Comment after fernandfirn bought #485485 from remixplastic
Love my earnings! I'm a wee bit wary buying earrings as I have a nickel allergy, but they are perfect and I've had no problems. Thank you heaps for your help, and beautiful product.Comment after jwil346 bought #482436 from remixplastic
these look awesome! thank you - very soft and colourful, professionally packaged also, very pleased with purchase (haven't tested them for purpose yet tho, they are intended as a gift)Comment after lizzjack6768 bought #480073 from remixplastic
Absolutely stunning ❤️Comment after ironweed sold #478747 to remixplastic
Thankyou for supporting NZ Made!Your order is on its way, NZ Post tracking no: MJ110765275NZ
Comment after bunter18 bought #474787 from remixplastic
I love my Tieke feather earrings - they are even nicer than the photo. I'm celebrating my year of learning te Reo.Comment after kjirstnne bought #402866 from remixplastic
Perfect! ThanksComment after janelind7432 bought #403410 from remixplastic
I love my recycled plastic Huia Feather earrings, thanks so muchComment after clothworks sold #397584 to remixplastic
Thanks for your support!Comment after spudball bought #402530 from remixplastic
Love, love love my earrings and get compliments whenever I wear themComment after joanrenn678 bought #403403 from remixplastic
great trade and the earrings are beautiful - will keep an eye out for other designsthanks