Feedback for ossett
ossett's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for ossett
Comment after clarityglass sold #550582 to ossett
Easy customer to deal with :)Comment after reclaimeddesign sold #550583 to ossett
wonderful buyer, thank you for your purchase.Comment after dopeydognz sold #519776 to ossett
Thanks so much for shopping with us, we appreciate your business and the smooth and easy sale!Comment after zollie sold #479096 to ossett
Thanks for supporting handmade - have a great Christmas :)Comment after dopeydognz sold #480747 to ossett
Thank you for shopping with us, we appreciate your business! Have a wonderful Christmas!Comment after homespunarty sold #453345 to ossett
Thank you so much, lovely to deal with and fast payment ThankyouComment after imaginethis sold #447369 to ossett
Thank you for your order - good customerComment after lepapillonnz sold #453347 to ossett
Great customer, prompt payment. You rattle will be in the post tomorrow. Thank you for supporting our business and buying NZ made.Lisa
Comment after littlecute1 sold #450529 to ossett
Thank you for your purchase NZ Vintage Wool Blanket slippers from Little Cute One. (^_^)Comment after dopeydognz sold #427473 to ossett
Thank you for shopping with us, we appreciate your business :)Comment after plasterella sold #425504 to ossett
Thanks for your support of Plasterella, fast and efficient buyer :)Comment after mariekerr sold #412361 to ossett
Hassle Free instant payment A pleasure to servePackage posted this morning
Comment after homespunarty sold #404642 to ossett
Very quick payment & communication. Thank you so much. Hope the little one enjoys.Comment after clover sold #396394 to ossett
Thank you for your order! You were a delight to deal with.Comment after colourcrafts sold #397274 to ossett
Thankyou for the feedback, I'm glad it arrived safely and I hope you enjoy putting it all together.Comment after dopeydognz sold #384996 to ossett
Thank you for your business, we appreciate it! Have wonderful Christmas.Kind regards
Mark and Erin
Comment after honeycakes sold #375811 to ossett
Fabulous, highly recommended.Comment after allgoodbags sold #365543 to ossett
Wonderful quick payment and thanks for being my first sale on Felt.Comment after asqdesign sold #321886 to ossett
Super customer. Thanks for your patience. Hope those bibs go down well :)Comment after chattermouse sold #319735 to ossett
Thank you for purchasing. Great sale with prompt payment and clear communication.Comment after twoisahoot sold #293591 to ossett
Great customerComment after twoisahoot sold #288718 to ossett
Great Customer and prompt payer.Comment after periwinkles sold #276961 to ossett
prompt paymentComment after diverted sold #274488 to ossett
Thanks for purchasing the Imprint Christmas Ornaments.Hope you enjoy them.
Scott and Linda.
Diverted Design.
Comment after woodgrainnz sold #270720 to ossett
Thanks Great CustomerComment after cutecuddles sold #269715 to ossett
Wonderful purchase, thank you for the great experience :-)Comment after littleredfox sold #262340 to ossett
Payment was made the same day as purchase.Comment after feltsoapgood sold #258448 to ossett
Thank you for your Slippers order. I am posting them today.Comment after theoac sold #243477 to ossett
Thanks for your order. Hope your grand-daughter loves the pillowcase. x KarlaThe OAC