Feedback for lovestitches
lovestitches's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for lovestitches
Comment after baymill sold #532358 to lovestitches
Excellent buyer!! Immediate payment. Look forward to seeing your againComment after woodwise sold #272601 to lovestitches
Great sale Recommend trader++Comment after mooandgang sold #295067 to lovestitches
Thanks for purchasing from us! Excellent buyer, love dealing with you. I hope you love your wooden love xxComment after mooandgang sold #289022 to lovestitches
Thank you for your purchases! Easy, friendly transaction and quick payment. Great buyer xxComment after makingit sold #294613 to lovestitches
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking cookies. ThanksComment after makingit sold #294614 to lovestitches
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking cookies. ThanksComment after growmama sold #108112 to lovestitches
thank you for your purchase, i hope your healing adventures are going well, don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!x anissa