Feedback for jamesseb
jamesseb's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jamesseb
Comment after loveideas sold #174151 to jamesseb
Thanks so much for your custom order!Enjoy. Cheers. Josie
Comment after valettaroad sold #154217 to jamesseb
I am glad you liked the lamp, :)Comment after larkswing sold #36231 to jamesseb
Thanks so much for the speedy payment. Hope Pearstop brings a smile or two.Comment after trixiedelicious sold #30172 to jamesseb
Thanks for shopping so generously and your support!Comment after fat-spatula sold #38110 to jamesseb
Fast payment and great communication - another fine example of a genuine Felt buyer.Comment after tutus2 sold #17947 to jamesseb
Excellent repeat customer, instant payment, thanks once again - hope your friend likes her scarf.Comment after thesewphist sold #24126 to jamesseb
Great communication, and quick purchase of custom listing.Hope you enjoy the bag!