inkoutside's star rating is 1.7 / 5 stars (33.3%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
not sure where this seller has gone, but they took my money with them, and i have nothing to show for it!
1st purchased this hat on 15 Feb 2012. It's now 3 june and I'm still waiting. 1st hat arrived after many emails asking where it was and it was supposed to be for 0-6mth - it was too big for my 3 yr old. Returned it and am STILL waiting for my hat. Could have reared a sheep, sheared it, and knitted it myself in this time!!!
The hat is gorgeous!!! Very cleverly thought out and made. Haven't forgotton about photo, I promise I will try :)
Thank you! Happy crocheting! @->->---
Thank you! Happy crocheting! @->->---