Feedback for daisydesigns
daisydesigns's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for daisydesigns
Comment after zoelane103 bought #172207 from daisydesigns
Very happy with my buy. Thank you =)Would definitely recommend.
Comment after julienicol bought #172216 from daisydesigns
Thank you Daisy Designs, love thewee dress.
Comment after maisie-moo sold #118103 to daisydesigns
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo. I do hope you enjoy your wee creation. Ria :)Comment after maisie-moo sold #117851 to daisydesigns
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo. I do hope you enjoy your wee creation. Ria :)Comment after smartiepants sold #110865 to daisydesigns
Great buyer - thanks so much!Comment after betty1 bought #64231 from daisydesigns
Lovely dress - thank youComment after sanjo101 bought #71595 from daisydesigns
Love the booties :). Such a great deal! Thanks heaps.Comment after cooper49 bought #62498 from daisydesigns
Beautiful Dress, just stunning! The photos don't do it any justice.Thanks again!
Comment after hjbenson bought #71564 from daisydesigns
Perfectly sized for any bag - a must have with preschoolers. Also makes my bag contents seem less "mumsie" :-). Speedy delivery and well packaged to protect contents.Comment after rojoluru bought #67099 from daisydesigns
This little dress is just lovely. I dress Harriet in it whenever I can! It's easy to get on and off, protects her shoulders in the sun and is gorgeous fabric. We get lots of comments about it!Comment after qwerty bought #71462 from daisydesigns
Thanks, it was a lovely light present to send to a wee niece in the UK.Thanks for that.