agoodyarn's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
A lovely hand-made item that has been beautifully made. The crochet hook holder is holding up well to a lot of use, and still looks fantastic! (Apologies for not posting feedback earlier—I thought I had.) recommend this maker and their work!
Great workshop. Lovely atmosphere. I enjoyed learning a new skill and I've had heaps of nice comments about my awesome arm knitted scarf. Great to leave with something I would wear :)
I had such a lovely time learning arm knitting & appreciated so much your tuition on learning how to read my knitting pattern. It was lovely to learn a craft in such a relaxed atmosphere from a wonderfully knowledgeable lady. Will definitely recommend your classes.