Feedback for agnescoy*
agnescoy*'s star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for agnescoy*
Comment after therubyloushop sold #96461 to agnescoy*
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop! Hope you like the pants. Delphine.Comment after tumbleweed sold #98553 to agnescoy*
A wonderful buyer! Enjoy your stationery...Comment after tumbleweed sold #84419 to agnescoy*
A wonderful buyer! Enjoy your stationery...Comment after hikkepik sold #87670 to agnescoy*
Like always; a super nice person and lovely communication!Thank you for the very fast payment!
Comment after heart-felt sold #70225 to agnescoy*
Great transaction, thanks so much. JxComment after heart-felt sold #69374 to agnescoy*
Great transaction, thanks so much. JxComment after heart-felt sold #65954 to agnescoy*
Great transaction, thanks so much. JxComment after hikkepik sold #56947 to agnescoy*
Tank you so so much for the super fast payment !Enjoy the dress !