Feedback for adriennesloom
adriennesloom's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for adriennesloom
Comment after jennaime9002 bought #451738 from adriennesloom
Beautiful workload these towelsComment after knitwitnz sold #507688 to adriennesloom
Great customer! Thank you so much for buying leather soles from Knitwitnz :)Comment after lolaandpoppy bought #337976 from adriennesloom
This lovely hand towel is so beautifully made and will be used often as well as greatly admired. Gorgeous colours and I am looking forward to adding more to my linen cupboard. Lovely communication from Adrienne too.Comment after kareboot2900 bought #387224 from adriennesloom
Sorry, belated feedback - didn’t know what I was doing!! But ILove the tea towels and they are wearing really well,
Comment after julihunter sold #478032 to adriennesloom
Thank you very muchComment after trusca bought #431843 from adriennesloom
I love the woven hand towel. Thank you.Comment after lesleyp152 bought #386785 from adriennesloom
Beautiful tea towels exactly as pictured, shipped very quickly, and seller was very helpful. Would definitely buy again.Comment after lesleyp152 bought #338784 from adriennesloom
Beautiful tea towels exactly as pictured, shipped very quickly, and seller was very helpful. Would definitely buy again.Comment after sam6523 bought #397225 from adriennesloom
Adrienne is very good at communicating and obliging to deal with. I really Love her product.Comment after scottygirl62 bought #387222 from adriennesloom
Thankyou for the absolutely beautiful kitchen towel. Such stunning work.Warm regards