
A sweet friend for your wee one

Meet Awhina, a beautiful handcrafted heirloom doll from Zealous Design, created with love, care and attention to detail. Brenda of Zealous Design has been a doll maker for over six years, and has been sewing all her life. Each doll she makes has hours and hours of her time and love sewn into them as they come to life.

Mindful making: the Christchurch woman whose handmade dolls inspire inner strength

Mindful making: the Christchurch woman who makes dolls to inspire inner strength
Hilary Tapper-Zakheim creates her inspiring, eco-friendly Khadil dolls with a hand-powered sewing machine in her Christchurch workroom. She uses handwoven cotton, woven by empowered village women in India, and other natural materials to create dolls that celebrate natural beauty, wholesomeness, inner strength, and handmade, conscious living.

Featured seller: Claire Leblond

Dollmaker Claire Leblond is the maker behind the range of quirky, unique cloth dolls she fondly calls “Susie Dolls”, after her sister Sue. Each doll is one of a kind, made out of a combination of soft cotton, vintage embroidery and upcycled fabrics, and Claire also breathes new life into vintage dolls clothes. She works out of a slightly chaotic studio in her home in Birkenhead, Auckland, with a dog at her feet, music blaring, copious amounts of coffee, and two…