What do you make?
The only thing that I make and sell for now is jewellery, but I also dabble in knitted scarves, felted creatures, bath and body soaps, candles and paper goods.
Your favourite materials, tools and processes?
Semi-precious gemstones, wire work, ribbon, lace, ink and paper, fabric paint and funky coloured yarns
What inspires you?
Everything around me really… especially good photographs and unusual colour combinations
Describe your workspace:
Somewhat disorganized and variable. I don’t have a fixed workspace because I travel quite a bit, so my materials go with me and get unpacked whenever I feel the need to release my crafty juices!
Five words that describe your mind:
Haphazard, muddled, twisty, imaginative and slightly insane
What are you currently listening to?
Volume 3 of the Grey’s Anatomy Soundtrack series
Recommend an album:
Keane’s Hopes and Fears. An amazing band with phenomenal music from minimal instruments.
What are you reading now?
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Riveting stuff.
A favourite quote:
“Men aren’t that complicated. They’re kinda like plants.” – Samantha (Sex and the City)
Do you have any pets?
Not right now, but I’d happily take in a dozen cats if I could!