Can I request a custom order?
It’s up to each individual seller on Felt to decide whether or not they will take custom orders, but it never hurts to ask! To order an item on Felt or request a custom order from a Felt seller, you first need to create an account with us.
To contact a seller to request a custom order, use the contact link in the left hand column of their shop or item listing. Once you have agreed on the details of the order, the seller will create a custom listing in their shop for you to purchase.
If you need to exchange files such as photographs with the seller, please use WeTransfer‘s free, secure file transfer system. On the WeTransfer site simply enter your own email address as both the sender and the recipient, then copy the link you receive by email and message it to the seller via the contact system.
Please note that as stated in Felt’s Terms of Use, the contact system must not be used to exchange contact details or arrange a transaction outside the process provided by Felt.
If you have any more questions please contact us.