Dynamic decor and things for playful people ~ something halfway between art and play

I'm designer, design lecturer, wife and mum based in North Otago, New Zealand. I work from my wonderful home based studio in Oamaru, and often from a collective store Guild in Dunedin.

My recent work has evolved from my transition (along with husband) from young working professionals to new parents where our space is shared with the delightful chaos of a growing child. I wanted to design something halfway between art and play for walls in our home. My magnetic wallscapes are the outcome; delightfully dynamic and adaptable in their arrangement possibilities, they are ever-changing decals.

The wallscapes are only made with upcycled materials, mainly fabrics and vintage wallpapers which gives the decals a lovely tactile and textured quality. The shift in context from their original garments or associations provides the decals their own history. In turn, they provide moments of story telling - on the wall they become a visual narrative to be played out every day.

My background is in Communication Design and Marketing, I teach in these areas and some Interior Design courses at the local Polytechnic. I also work on the odd freelance graphic design/marketing design project when time permits.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tinchDesignStudio