How to make a well-stuffed stocking

For youngsters (and the young at heart) the stocking is one of the most anticipated traditions of Christmas. While usually stuffed with goodies that are small in size and in monetary value, a Christmas stocking packs a big punch in terms of surprise and delight. So if you’re helping Santa out this year, we’ve picked out some perfect little surprises for the wee ones on Christmas morning.


Historically stockings are filled with toys, sweets, fruit or coins (or, for the naughty, a lump of coal). At Felt we’ve collected a gorgeous sleigh-full of traditional and not-so-traditional goodies to help you create stockings that are packed with handcrafted delights.

So, to whip up a superbly stuffed stocking…

1. The essential housing

It pays to start with one sturdy and capacious Christmas hosiery item. Our clever makers have come up with a stocking to suit everyone.

2. The basic ingredients

An orange or a clementine is traditional – or you could nip to the dairy for a 50c mixture or sherbet dab – whatever’s fashionable in your neck of the woods.


3. The personalised flavourings

Add something to catch your little one’s imagination – are they builders or imaginers? Performers or adventurers? This is the flavouring that really makes the stocking for them.


4. The garnish

Finish it off with a sweet decoration or a spicy topping, and leave it to rest overnight – if your young recipient can wait that long!

Take a wander though the Felt Christmas Gift Guide’s collection of Fabulous Stocking Fillers, and check them out in our Christmas Catalogue on Issuu too – you couldn’t make a happier handmade Christmas morning.
